How to Blanch Green Beans.


How to Blanch and Freeze Green Beans in 2 Minutes / How to Cook Fresh Green Beans / Blanching Green Beans, Quick and Easy Technique / How to Parboil Green Beans.

The term ‘Blanch’ means softening vegetables by boiling in salted water for two minute or so, then punching it in cold water to retain its colour and stop further cooking process and preserve its crisp texture. This technique we can use for almost for all green vegetables.

Things Required:

Green Beans, 2 Big Pans, Ice Cubes, Colander, Tongs, Kitchen Tissues.

How to Blanch Green Beans:

Wash fresh green beans in cold water properly. Trim the ends of beans. Chop the green beans (if you prefer it to be. I like it as whole.) into desired lengths, so that it gets cooked evenly.

Take a big pan and fill it with water. Add little salt and boil it over medium high heat. When it comes to boil, add the green beans. Cook it uncovered for 3 or 4 minutes until tender.

Drain it in a colander and immerse them into ice water for some time. This is to stop it from cooking further. Let it remain in the cold water minimum for four minutes.

Dry the green beans thoroughly with kitchen napkin.

My Recipe Notes:

1. You should not cook the beans in the boiling water for long. Three minutes is quite sufficient.
2. You can add butter along with olive oil.
3. You can cut the beans in to equal desired lengths, so that it gets cooked evenly.
4. It is compulsory to immerse green beans in cold water or keep in the cold running water in order to prevent it from further cooking.
5. You can microwave or steam green beans to get it done to your liking.
6.You can cook Green Beans ahead of time, store it in zip-lock plastic bags and can refrigerate it. It will last fresh for 2 days. Let it come to room temperature before cooking it.

Cheers.. Seena.


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How to Blanch Green Beans.

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