Rice Wine.

Rice Wine Recipe / Chinese Rice Wine Recipe / Homemade Rice Wine

Rice Wine Recipe / How to Make Rice Wine / Homemade Rice Wine Recipe / Chinese Rice Wine Recipe / Traditional Rice Wine Recipe.

Taste the Homemade Rice Wine which makes magic to your festive tables! This will reduce drinks bill for sure. Good for places like Kerala where drinking is restricted!!

It says drinking wine is good for our body!!  Yes, I started hearing it from my childhood. But of course for so many reasons, drinking too much of wine causes many health problems. Here, we should not forget the fact that, it has many health benefits too.. It is good for your heart and it lowers cholesterol level. It is a good appetizer and a digestive.
You may also like the Grape Wine Recipe.
Homemade Rice Wine tastes great just like the other wines, but the difference I have noticed is unlike other wines, immediately after few days of fermentation, it started tasting almost like the fermented finished wine!! Another advantage of making rice wine is, it’s so affordable, easy and simple to make. If you look at my stage wise pictures, you can see that, how effortless it is for one to make rice wine!

We, the whole family used to have homemade wine once in a while and the chef was none other than my sweet mom, Grace Mathew Mankavil. Wines are an integral part of my parental home, where she used to make many kinds of wines, some as trials and some the tested and successful wines. When I planned to make it, the thought came to my mind was, ‘How I miss my mom’s homemade wines these days!! She makes wine with banana, pineapple, grapes (her usual one).

Sorry to mention here that she completely stopped making wines these days.. Sorry to me as well..  Otherwise I would have taken so many images of making varieties of wine by this time!!

Rice wine plays a crucial role in cooking Chinese dishes. Wine production and consumption has increased day by day. It is also known as ‘mijiu’.Usually wines are fermented from fruits, but here rice wine is fermented from a cereal, and it’s rice. Rice wine is the eastern alcoholic beverage.
Because of health factor, I have used brown sugar here. Hence from the day one, it was having a brown colour. As days passed by, the brown colour of this Homemade Rice Wine has increased and I was even happy to see the real brown colour of this wine immediately after the next day of filtering the rice wine mixture. It’s such a pleasure for one to see the change in colour just like a painter uses different colours to create attractive paintings! Here the wine itself has taken the role of a painter!! You do it on your own and you too will come to know the colour differences at different stages of its process. Experience it.. 

You can keep on checking the taste of this wine each day when you take it out from the shelf to stir it both in the morning and in the evening. You won’t be satisfied enough till the day when you filter the content. Pause it now and wait for the finish to check the taste.

After seven days you will be getting a wine which is as good as the store bought wine, I would say, may be it´s even better. Yes, that’s what we have experienced. 

After the photo session was completed, both of us started having it along with cake and was watching Priyanka Chopra’s program on NDTV. In between I had a few looks at Reji’s wine glass.. You can imagine the rest.. He finished it fast and then what happened to me? I started feeling dizzy after having ½ portion of it. Then I poured the rest of it to his glass..

I have to mention here that in my parental home, we use tiny wine glasses, which looks so cute and colourful. So nothing would happen for a person when he / she consumes that quantity. What I want to convey to you here is, it’s so tempting and was kicking back. I could see Reji enjoying it till the last zip, just like how he takes his usual beer, whisky or rum!!    So go ahead and  make Homemade Rice Wine to get a nice homemade wine.

I have used raw white rice, black seeded raisins and brown sugar for making this. Homemade wines usually are sweeter than the store-bought wines. The sweetness will be reduced by ageing. I enjoy stirring it in the morning and in the evening. Now I feel happy, how I put effort in its preparation for 18 days as I go to school and how difficult it was on the busy morning hours to stir it before going to school!!
I started seeing raisins going up and down and dancing inside the jar after I added all ingredients, mixed it well and kept it in the corner of the kitchen platform. It’s because, yeast content started working in it.. Try tasting it everyday while you do mixing. From the first day itself it tastes good, but the taste changes over time and will change from good to better and best!!
My mom used to make all kinds of wines in new ceramic jars (new ceramic bharanis) every time. Craving for those bharanies now.

For making this rice wine I wanted a big jar (expected to get the real ceramic jar) and searched in the Kinshasa super markets for a long period, but all my efforts went in vain. At last one of the guys of one American supermarket told me that it would be arriving in one month time! I waited again patiently.. Poor me..  No result was found still after that one month period. To my surprise, in this November I found out this big glass jar in a new super market.. Aha, our driver was also there with me in my search attempt. He explained it in Lingala, the local language here (98 present of the supermarket employees are Congolese and their national language is French). Though most of them are not helpful to the customers, this girl took me to many sections in the crockery side and showed me so many related vessels, jars and bottles including big and small.. But we couldn’t find out the right ones.. Losing all my hope, I turned to another side and headed to an isolated area of the same crockery section in the super market.. Whoa.. I saw this plain glass jar (the one you see in these pics). Hooray, I GOT IT..

If you are looking for more Wine Recipes, then do check Homemade Grape Wine Recipe and Rose Apple Wine Recipe.

So here goes the recipe of Rice Wine.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Ready in: 25 days.
Cooking Time: Nil

Ingredients for Chinese Rice Wine:

½ cup White Raw Rice
½ cup Black Raisins (with seeds)
1 kg. Sugar (I hav used Brown Sugar)
1 ¼ tsp. Instant Yeast
2 tbsp. Lemon Juice
2 litre Water (boiled and cooled)

How to Make Homemade Rice Wine

Wash and rinse Rice and Black Raisins and keep it aside. Take a clean big ceramic jar or a glass jar.

Add in all ingredients, rice, raisins, sugar followed by water. Stir it well with a wooden ladle. Next add in Yeast and Lemon Juice and mix well. Cover the jar with its lid. Everyday stir it well for 2 minutes in morning and evening. Do it for the next eighteen days.

On the 19th day open the jar and filter it (you can use a muslin cloth, I didn’t use muslin cloth, but used just a tiny holed colander) to a clean, dry big bowl. Wash the jar and allow it for pat drying. Transfer the filtered content to the jar back and close the lid. Keep it for another week.

You can see the colour changing from the next day onwards. After the said period, transfer it to clean bottles and you can start using it.
The rice wine is ready to serve.

My Recipe Notes on Fermented Rice Wine:

1. A germ-free environment is highly required. Hence maintaining hygiene throughout the process of making wine is very much necessary.
2. The wine will get its true colour with age, so don’t expect the original colour once you filter it and remove the chunks..
3. If you want the colour of rice wine to be white, use white sugar.
4. Don’t keep any sour fruits near to the wine mixture, else the wine mixture will turn sour.
5. If you feel any sort of dizziness after having this wine, switch immediately to water, OR else, drink lots of water before drinking wine.
6. Keep stirring the mixture for 21 days with clean wooden ladle.
7. Don’t keep the lid of the bottle so tight after every time you open it. It blocks the carbon dioxide going out and leads to intoxication.
8. I got about 2 ½ litres of Rice Wine from this.
9. Make wine only in earthen or glass bottles because of acidic reactions in the process.
10. Homemade Rice Wine is very strong. It will become stronger as it matures.

Pictorial of Homemade Rice Wine


Gather all Ingredients for Making Rice Wine













See the colour difference after 25 days!!   


Serve Rice Wine with Cake 

Recipe adapted from my mom.. 

Recommended Accompaniments along with Rice Wine are,

Chocolate Banana Cake

Black Forest Cake

Pound Cake

Red Velvet Cup Cake


Seenas Food Basket.


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Chinese Fermented Sweet Rice Wine.

റൈസ് വൈൻ റെസിപ്പി.

Difficulty: Intermediate Prep Time 10 min Total Time 10 mins Best Season: Winter


Rice Wine Recipe / Homemade Fermented Rice Wine - Taste the Homemade Rice Wine which makes magic to your festive tables! This will reduce drinks bill for sure. Good for places like Kerala where drinking is restricted!!

Keywords: beverages, Chinese rice wine, grape wine, rice wine, wine recipes

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